
Can I have a Discount, Promo Code, Freebie, Free Upgrade?

We do not have any current discounts or promotions beyond the extremely low advertised prices listed on the website. Prices are not negotiable and free upgrades are not available. Our website offer our absolute lowest possible prices.

Do you have semi-annual and annual payment discounts?

No.  We do not offer annual or semi annual payments.  All servers are simply month-to-month, but you can setup PayPal Billing Agreement to autopay your invoices.

Can I have a Free Trial?

No.  Our dedicated servers do not have free trial periods for testing. We custom build each server to put online however our contacts are simply month-to-month so you can cancel your service before you next invoice is due.

Can I reduce the base-level RAM / HD / IPs / Bandwidth for additional discount?

No. Our full range of servers is on the website. We do not downgrade the servers for additional discount. The specs lists on the website are our lowest possible specs for our lowest possible prices. Prices are not negotiable.

Do you have an affiliate program?

No. We do not yet have an active affiliate program, but will have one available in the near future.

Do you offer sponsorships?

No. We do offer sponsorships at this time.