Unmanaged Servers

What is an unmanaged server?

All servers are unmanaged which means our 24 hour on site staff will respond to tickets regarding server hardware issues.  Clients are required to manage all software aspects of the server including operating system configuration beyond a base OS install and configuring IPs.

Can you manage my server for me?

No.  We do not provide managed servers, but we do provide inexpensive unmanaged dedicated servers. Our 24 hour tech staff are responsible for hardware and network support. We install a base operating system and you will have root SSH access to the bare metal servers to configure the server to your specific needs.

Can you migrate my data from my previous host?

Our servers are unmanaged which allow us to provide inexpensive and powerful servers. As the servers are unmanaged, we do not provide migration services. Clients are responsible for installing, configuring, and upgrading system software within their server. Many of our less technical customers hire a third party system administrator from websites like http://www.odesk.com/ or http://www.freelancer.com/ and have them assist them with administering software aspects of the server for setup, config, backup, moving WordPress, and maintenance.

Can you install additional software for me?

We install a base operating system and you will have root SSH access to the bare metal servers, but you are responsible for installing and configuring additional components such as the version PHP you require, mySQL, and other software. If you order control panel such as DirectAdmin or cPanel, those control panels come with default tools already installed which will help you manage your server.

Do you have backup services?

We do not provide backup services. We provide unmanaged dedicated server so you have root access to the server to back up your own data.

Is it possible to have 2 network connections on 1 server?

No. Our dedicated servers are limited to one network connection (one NIC) per server.

Do you allow for PTR changes?

We do not provide forward DNS. You would need to use a DNS provider, probably the one available through the organization that you obtained the domain name.

Do you allow rDNS (reverse DNS)?

Yes, after your order is complete, please open a support ticket requesting reverse DNS.